Last week altaf turn to 10months...n today...coz of her umi become healthier than before..she want to create a story due to altaf development from 8 to 9 months...
altaf @ 9month
Since the 8 months..i can saw..her development become faster..n faster.....the main important..she can know Al-Quran..where when i n my hubby recite Al-Quran..she always stop what ever she do n went to us..n want to hold the Al-Quran..n she already tear off one page of my Al-Quran......n also her hubby Al-Quran...After we recite the Al-Quran dont forget to give her Al-Quran for her to kiss..if not she will cry untill she can kiss the Al-Quran....mule2 dulu...we dont know why she cry n cry after she recite the Al-Quran....then..when I give her to kiss..she stop crying...n till now..after we recite...she quickly scome to kiss..n smile when she got it...n she very sensitive with the Al-Quran or Azan...she will hear..till the end..n continue her activity...even..she was slept..when she hear an azan...she will wake up..n go in front of this lappy to hear that....She also..very alert with her zikir Ustz Dzulkarnain n Ust Asri...she will stand in front of the lappy...n never beranjak2 ke mana2...till the video was end...erm..mungkin die selalu dgr ms dia dlm perut n kecik2 dulu....
erm....n she is very2 active now...all around her she want to explore..everyday it must have any project that she did..n if she do experiment or some will be silent...when we called her name...normally she will come or give some respond with her different..she will not come of give a respond..n when she came n saw what she was doing...she will smile n laughing.....n continue with her project..erm...erm...sabar jela...some of the project is to mess my house..she love to this...she also can open the cupboard..n play with it..where..she open..n close..n try to clear up all the things inside the cupboard..
altaf try to help umi to clean the house...
n this is her face after umi prohibit her to help me....huhuuhu...bkn sy yg buat ni nk tlg umi je..hhuhuhu
She already can understand if I said 'Bear',Bear,....and her milk..'susu...susu'..when i said it..she will searching..where are there..n try to find n catch it...n give it to me...n Now..for a few days ago..she can feed me her food to my altaf...she become independent n more active girl...she refuse to eat if i feed her...dia akan keluarkan balik mknan yg umi feed her..n try to feed by her like roti, kuih..i never mind to give her..but its worst when become to porridge...abis sume bip n baju dia..erm..penatlah umi dia..nak cuci...n yesterday..she ate spagetti..bile spagetti dia jatuh..her abi want to help her..ambilkan balik spagetti tue..then bg blk pd die...but..she akan jatuhkan blk spagetti yg abi dia bg..n slowly..dia turun utk ambil blk spagetti dia...her abi sgt terperanjat...dia xnak kami tlg dia..dia nk buat sendiri...huhu...Altaf2...Hope u will be a great n solehah girl n sister to ur siblings...
wah!!!i'm did it very well kan umi....;)n now..i full enough...huhuhu
Erm...since altaf can walk went she hubby give her a reward for that u guess what is that? is the picture...
she can walk just a little bit only for this time..but now..makin laju dah jln dia...
we bought it at B-Kids...where..we called it Anpanman car..her abi bought this due to make she cn walk faster..because this car have a songwhen she play it...n she was very excited..for the first time...siap tunjuk skill jln dia kat kedai tue..selagi abi tak beli...huhuhu..n boleh pulak..time we want to paid it she refuse to get up from that car...huhuhuhu...
n other toy that her abi bought...she love it very2 much....when its at the supermarket lagi..die pegang je toys ni..xnak lepas..mule2..abi refuse to bought it coz..the price quite expensive..its about RM150.00..siap abi bg toy lain nk pujuk dia lepaskan toy dia amik toys lain dgn tgn lain tp toy tu tetap dia xnk lepas...bile abi lepaskan dia menangis bukan main kuat lagi..smpi sume org tgk...last2 nye..about half hour...try tu pujuk dia..abi pun mengalah la..belilah..toy tue...erm..ape lagi..she was very happy..smpi senyum je..dlm keta....last2..tido dgn toy tue..bile umi tarik toys tue..since nmpk dia dh tido..dia boleh pulak terjaga..n nangis nk toy tue jugak...erm...erm...kecik2 lg dh pndi demand ye si budak kecil ni...kate en tue...huhuhu..fuh!!!melayanglah..duit abi...huhuhuuhu
n this is the toy
its is minnie mouse @disney bear...siap dlm kotaknye..pdn mahal sgt2...huhuhu..n now..she really2 love it...dia selalu benamkan muke dia pada bear tue..n peluk when she feeding a milk....huhuhu..mcm this is her best frens right now...when..abis asks..where is the bear?she will searching the bear arround the house..tak kisah la kat mn pun..smpi pernah abi ty ms tu dia kat dlm bilik..dia boleh gi cr bear dia kat ruang tamu yg gelap tue...sbb die ternmpk bear tue kt ctu...n she will came back to abi..n show the bear to abi...
Ermm...a lot of positive development she did sejak kebelakangan ini..n rasanya..byk lagi nk hhave to stop right now..wpun..byk cerita dh ade kat kotak kepela dgn lamanya...n azan zohor dh berkemundang wpun br kul hv to pray...erm..promise to write since..i'm already in a healthy mood right now..but still i have to be careful..due to the Dr advice....huhuhu