okay...back to the topic...(suke sgt2 menyimpang kalo nk cite tue...pukul kan br tahu tgn nie...huhuh..)for 2009..this is the pretty much an annus horribulus where the downturn in the global eco meant loss of jobs...majority..where my renter also hv to quit from their work.., homes and entire life savings..Echoing this drastic situation in finance..me also is hard to find my scholar to further after my employer...so byk songeh22...kali 28..hv to be a seniority teacher...about 3 years working experience but its not confirm u can got the scholar...after of all,i decide to apply private scholar..where when i search from JASSO they are a lot of scholar that i can apply....(mmg byk songeh2 kali 28 for MOE)...
Beside, for Malaysia n world..the drastic situation in finance was chaos in enviorment as well..where we have to cope with the big disasters that struck as a result of a globe warming n worldwide pandemic in the form of AH1N1....(yup...kesannye sgguh terasa)...on that period i'm still pregnant..i'm very worried and obssesed about that H1N1..i eat a lot of supplement after heard day after day that many of the death are pregnant women...i eat spirulina...E500 by Elken...beside supplement from the clinic.. until my weight become n become bigger...I alos buy sanitizer where i bring along wherever I go...(its always in my hand bag.). I'm also remind to all my student who is not feeling well dont ever2 close to me...(kdg2...rs kejam jugak......tp i have to due to my school hv suppected h1n1.. ). Despite, high hopes for our leaders, not only was widespread disunity but corruption also rear its ugly head...(agree wit this tak?)
Yet being optimist that we mostly are, we firmly believe that things will take a turn for the better in 2010...(very222222222...kali28...hope..)....
Hope this 2010....Being a servant of Allah,hope i more closer to HIM...Islam is a way of my life, as a wife to my loving husband...i hope i can be a good, loyal n understanding wife..as a solehah daughter to my beloved mum n dad n siblings, as a dedicate teacher to my innocent students and as a Malaysians,I hope this peace will be continuosly..
Ulimately, i can be thankful for what i have and lookforward with hope to a brand new day....Happy New Year......