erm...since I was in Japan...a lot of the weird2 things...I make it just because I want to eat...n bored with the Japanese rice...huhuhu...what I make?just guess....erm.....gooooooodddddd!!!!!!!u just a good person...yes!!!of course about FFFOOOOOOOODDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!A lot of meal that I alrady cooked at bun,pizza,makaroni bakar,kebab, laksa, laksam(resepi mak mertua),nugget ayam n
etc...a lot jugak la...rsnye,,ms duk phg dulu xdela..rajin mcmnie...huhuhu...
Seem Japan is very difficult for me & my hubby to get a 'HALAL' food in the supermarket...because both
of us didnt understand Japanese Language...instead of...we a new here..n alot of thing..we still learn..we just bought HALAL chicken...meat..a others spices at the Hakozaki International House...where every saturday..they hv a abg BANGLA...yg tlg jualkan...huhuhu..or other bought buy online je..kat baticrom...kalo lbh free....but..normally..we just bought a raw food only at oil,flour,eggs,seafood,fish, vegetables we just buy at supermarket near I have a list that my frens gave me..yg BOLEH n TAK BOLEH beli kat supermarket...Its very important for me...
thanks to kak ti...another source that I can get a Halal Food is...with blog Indonesia punye which stay at Japan..
erm...since we are here about 3month...I can speak just a little bit only...just...lepas la..kalo nk gi supermarket sorg2..time hubby xde kat umah....huhuhu....I only can ask a Question to Japanese about the thing that I search...if I cant find it....but...sometimes....mesti tersasul2 jugak la..keluar la jugak ckp ego(english) tue....coz..pnt nk pk nihon(japanese) die ape....ima(now) I promise to polish btl2 Japanese ni..n..lately..I enjoy going to Nihongo class...(Japanese Class)...Its a good experience if u can talk nihongo to others religious...best2....I'm enjoy it...Since we are live at International House...ima I hv a lot of frens..from others quite close to Korean people..we just going to take a potatoes at a farm..together...n luckily she hv a daughter which same age with my daughter....but...I hv a enough time..lg nk tgkp pic dgn die...sbg bhn bukti.coz..setiap kali keluar..mesti terlupa bawa...byk sgt brg nak bw..kalo ade en hubby bolehla..die tlg kalo seorg2..susah ckitla...but nevermind...I'll take a pic with them..promise !!!!!
Erm..bezanya..duk cn..ngan kat Msia...stayed at Msia...if I want to eat something...I will told to my I going back from work n en hubby going back...we'll go to any kedai-kedai makan yg menjadi tajaan kami...huhuhu...kate en hubby xberbaloi nk masak..coz.mknnye dua org je la...huhuhu...erm..sbnrnye..I really want to cook...but en hubby mesti ckp mcm tue..tue yg selalu gi beli tue...its happen when I was start jugak ms tue...dhla pntkan..huhuhu...
n almost the time we going out...we will go any fast food KFC,MCD,PIZZA,JOHNNY,n etc....due to my hubby xsuke tggu lame2...n he like fast food very much....BUT since we are here...
YEs..alll the KFC,MCD,PIZZA,JOHNNY telah selamat berkubur dgn jayanya...n we always talked about it...
what can I say...tggula..kite balik MSia..kite msk je mn2 kedai kat klia tue....huuhuhu...tue..yg en hubby setuju sgt tue...erm..kalo tgk..en hubby skang ni pun dh smkn kurus...kalo ty die kate...sbb xleh mkn ade yg btlnye tue..sbb dulu ms die buat Master..kejenye..kalo mkn mesti kat MCD..kalo dh mlm sgt pun..sggup drive gi MCD sbb..nk mkn...mknan lain..die kurang ckit....tue ms die buat Master..naik berat bdn..bukan main lagi...
ok..sbg mengubat hati...kite layn gmbr MCD n PZZA HUT pun jdla ye...
ms duk UTM
skang ni...
will be continued...lagi...