This process already happens during my confinement period. what can I Last..after 7 to 8 email I sent to my Prof. Masato Wakayama (who is dean of Faculty OF mathematics)..I got OFFER LETTER..Actually, this offer letter already sent by mail first due to my scholarship.
Then,how good org jepun ni..pas sent an email..sent pulak by EMS my offer letter..Thank You Very Much....;) I'm really glad to have that..
Why my so glad? The first thing..Coz all my effort ALhamdulillah..berbaloi2 la..tidur lewat n thanks to my hubby for understanding me so much...;)
Second: My hubby said that's not easy to get an offer letter from Prof. and Uni like that. A lot of his friend sent a lot of email to many Prof. Then, there no email response from that Prof.... SO, he said that you are very lucky ....coz you only sent to this one Prof. The Prof.directly response it...Thanks ALLAH..
Em...actually I got this end of Jan..but no time to post the entry..After, I got this...I have a DILEMMA...Should I further my study or just enough with my degree????...There have many opinion with my aunt and uncle..Some agree some not...I'm become confused..Should I?Can my friend give the opinion too..

i think u shud go.. bkn senang nk dpt twran tu.. xsalah kan klu kita nk mencari ilmu lg.. lgpun further study bkn nk wat ape pown.. i rse u ptt g..
Just go.:)
It's not easy to get the offer.
lucky u got it.
yes u should go, bukan senang nak dapat peluang gitu... lagipun tak rugi ilmu tu...
K.Asna rasa baik Durrani ambil peluang belajar tu sbb pengalaman K.Asna kat sini agak bosan jadi housewife sepenuh masa ni sbb kita biasa kerja...
Offer letter tu utk buat master ke?...baguslah sbb mungkin ada peluang lari dari dunia cikgu...faham2lah jadi cikgu ni...apalagi kalau dapat mcm anak2 murid kita kat Lepar tu...
lagipun jadi cikgu ni lambat nak naik...10 thn baru dpt 44...tak mcm lecturer 5 thn je dah berpeluang naik ke 52...mcm kat Asna & Abg Nan..Abg Nan dah jauh tinggalkan K.Asna dr segi pangkat, gaji, gred gaji dll...padahal backgroud pelajaran sama je...bezanya K.Asna kat sekolah dan dia kat IPT...
Okey jgn pening2 lagi...ambil peluang tu...K.Asna ucapkan Good Luck...Durrani masih muda
Thanks to all comment.Pray a good things for me..
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