em..I'm still busy with my work...hope i can get a stop time..where all this will be stop coz I need to focus on my preparation to japan..
Frankly, until now i cant start the preparation..think so hard if I delay it again..and again..
Time management...absolutely complete its mission!this feb, I cant manage my time..thanks to my hubby..coz now can cooperate each other.On this feb,my target is I can finish all my documentation file and all related to my leave for this coming 3 and half years..Before this, I quiet worried about my further study..but after all the obstacles now I got the offer letter..that letter already recieved on end of this jan from japan via EMS.
CREDIT TO PROF.Masato Wakayama..for that letter..
Em..a lot things to do..I have to list all the things that I have to finish every day.This coming feb..need to prepare monthly test for form 4 and form 5..about my leave to japan..my sponsor, my stuff at this house..and also my motor development of Baby WAQ.
Very hope..this coming feb is much better from jan.

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