Wake up so early in the morning...Prepare for the wedding..n the bride going to make up at Kulim town...while waiting to the bride..we do some discussion on the trip after this..where my luvly hubby on to go his bro house at Alor Star again..instead of to visit his house..

abbi playing with Ataf
tok wan with altaf
tok wan n tok ma n Dr Suniza....
Altaf sleeping...
At 10am..we prosiding to Baling..where my parent also came to this reception...about 2hours drive..we arrived at Baling Mosque by 12noon...our relatives from Besut already arrived..erm..my PIL..a little bit late...so,we just wait for the groom n the others..
arrived at Baling Town
rombongan to Nathir house....n our relatives from Besut...
After all rombongan cik kiah prepared, we depart from Baling mosque to the bride house. We arrived at 1o'clock...and my stomach already ber ting-tong....uh2...very hungry....n my parent meet my PIL here..
my parent met my PIL
the bride n the groom....
the bride n the groom with my PIL
arroung the reception day..;)
we with the bride and th groom...;)
From the bride house, we going back to Alor Setar...to my BIL house...luckily,our PIL change their mind to follow us after about 30min drove the car...n we met one of the junction to wait the other at th back....Then, we continue our journey...n stop again at Al-Bukhary Mosque...for praying....
arround Bukhary Mosque...
We arrived at BIL house on 7pm...Then, take a rest....altaf hv to change her clothes n diapers...take our refreshment....then,we continue our mission.....what the mission?on to eat RFC....huhuhu...
RFC is Radix Fried Chicken owner by HPA company...We love that RFC coz the chicken is the organic one...its same with KFC but RFC is totally Islamic...n we love it so much...that only one branch at Melaka...huhhu...
at my BIL house....
Stay one night at his house..n we prosiding to Besut via KB...where my SIL quarters...HRPZ II......stay one night there..where we going to Wakaf Che Ye...to bought instant scarf for me..the next day, we going back to Besut...Unfortunately,my hubby got a news that our COE to stay at Japan already arrived at Kuantan..So, in hurry, we have to go to Kuantan first to get the COE and straight to Japan Embassy for the VISA.....I'm really exhausted...n feel pity to my hubby to drive....We arrived KL at 9pm..so,we stay at my sis house n the next day,we go to Japan Embassy...
Going back to KB
Japan Embassy...which is so strict...when arrived at 9am...n the safety was very strict..thats no hp or wallet that can enter to that embassy...To entering it...we should leave our IC n hp there..then, there have another check up before entering the door..which like we want to entering flight...then, after my hubby ask some Q to the counter..there need the fotocopy of COE and the pic must be white b/ground..n there hv specific width n height...oh...my god...our date was so near...come out from embassy...ask the guard where is the nearest shop that we can reach asap...and the guard only can said at Ampang Point...where..about 7km from there...oh...with jam n our car was so far from the embassy..due to the lack of parking...we have 2 hours to reach back to embassy coz..the embassy was close on 12noon for lunch...and open again at 2pm...Unfortunately,we arrived at Embassy again on 11.59pm..but the guard cant gave us to entering it....uhuhuhu.....we was in rushing...coz we have to back to Besut on that day..erm..ape nk buat...dh nasib...we just wait till 2pm...n Alhamdulillah...we can get the VISA but after 3days....
I with my hubby start counting..we have to appoint some one to take for the VISA..coz we cant make it..we hv to back to Besut and packing our stuff...n Alhamdulilllah..my Pak long...willing to take it...N..we prosiding straight to Kuantan to got a winter coat from my hubby frens(which a few weeks come back from Japan)..Arrived at Kuantan about 8pm n depart from my hubby fren..about 9.30pm..going to ECM mall..searching for Altaf diapers n straight to Besut....
Due to exhausted...we almost take 9hours to arrive Besut...huhuhu...so pity to my hubby...
At Besut..our schedule was very pack...we have to rearrange our stuff so we only bring the important things and the limit must not exceed 50kg...uhuhuhuh...such a teribble...after arrange and rearrange again..about 5times...huhu..we also go to KB n leave my lil one to my PIL to look after..searching for the stuff like dried food n our toiletteries...n going to our relatives house, hv some feast at PIL house one day before we depart..Lastly, we depart from KB about 9.40am on Saturday..
at my hubby fren house...thanks to kak aisyah... 1box for us..
at our relatives house at Besut..
p/s : tiba2 teringat lagu Segenggam Tabah...huhu...my hubby was very patient man..n gentle..luv you so much...
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